Here’s my attempt to explain this in as few words as possible:
American Exceptionalism is imploding.
Longer explanation:
From a cultural narrative/myth standpoint, a whole lot of us were trained and taught to believe that ‘America is the best country in the world’.
This was the source of our national optimism, our national belief that we can achieve anything we decide to do, that we are the force for good in the world, that we can be the shining city on the hill, the role model, the ‘good guy’.
You can interpret that in different ways, its flexible enough to hold true within the Overton Window of ‘acceptable’ political viewpoints.
But the problem is that it has become increasingly obvious that this myth is a complete lie nowadays, that it was built on a false, sanitized version of history, which itself was perpetuated by our education system and popular media until very recently.
So at a group scale… this is the national myth, and its been obliterated, so now… we as a collective have just splintered into highly polarized factions.
At an individual scale, American Exceptionalism means that you as an individual live in ‘The land of opportunity’, ie, we live in a meritocratic society that rewards good character, good intentions, diligent work and study with a life of wealth amd freedom superior to what can be achieved elsewhere.
But, as our economic systems have become consolidated, our political systems have eroded to naked oligarchy, its now clear to the individual that… what was promised to be obtainable to any one, now basically isn’t: class/income mobility is so bad now that we basically actually live in a classed society of hereditary nobility, determined by wealth. They just don’t have titles like Duke or Baron, they have titles of Executive Director, CEO and Member of the Board.
… Our egos cannot accept this, and internalize it as a personal failure, and express it outwardly as everyone else’s failure.
Deep down, we were supposed to be able to be successful if we put in the work.
A whole lot of people did put in the work, and most of them got fucked.
So we are angry about that, and most of us carry that chip on our shoulder, that we’ve all been scammed.
But we don’t agree on why we’ve been scammed, how we’ve been scammed, or how this should be addressed.
I concur with you that this will not end well.
We are a fracturing, dying empire, a third world country with a gucci belt, and we elected a racist rapist facist conman.
And we have more privately owned guns than people.
I agree with many other posters that social media prioritizing ostentacious wealth and bravado / dominance displays certainly does not help, but I’m going with the ‘American Exceptionalism Imploding’ explanation to attempt to explain how Americans in particular, compared to other nations, are becoming so vicious and hostile so rapidly.
Sure would have been nice if people realized 20 years ago that Carlin was not joking whatsoever when he said:
“They call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.”
Bowie was right to be afraid of Americans.
“You mayn’t.”