Destiny 2 for me. Unless I’m playing with friends (never happens because they hate comp and trials), I just keep my voice muted. They don’t need to hear me raging, I don’t need them making me feel worse than I already do. The text chat is bad enough.
This is why I have incoming to 0. You wanna talk shit, you can type it. I ain’t listening to preteens or hormone riddled teens scream like they got a carrot shoved up their ass.
Honestly, it’s the right image for both. At least for team based games. The first thing that comes to mind are unpleasent people when I hear ladder.
Just wait until lemmy ranked
I refuse to leave my basement ranking
Based on knowing your name by the content you frequently post this made me LOL
Destiny 2 for me. Unless I’m playing with friends (never happens because they hate comp and trials), I just keep my voice muted. They don’t need to hear me raging, I don’t need them making me feel worse than I already do. The text chat is bad enough.
This is why I have incoming to 0. You wanna talk shit, you can type it. I ain’t listening to preteens or hormone riddled teens scream like they got a carrot shoved up their ass.