Hi all!
i have a nice setup with some containers (podman rootless) and bare metal services (anything i can install bare metal, goes bare metal usually).
I used Monit, in the past, to keep an eye on my services and automatically restart something that for any reason goes down. I stopped using Monit because doesnt scale well on mobile browser and it’s frankly clumsy to configure.
I could go back to Monit i guess, but i am wondering if there is anything better out there to try.
A few requirements (not necessarily mandatory, but preferable):
- Open Source (ideally: true open source, not just commercial sulutions with dumbed down free verisons)
- Not limited, or focuesd, on containers (no Watchtower and similar)
- For containers, it can just support “works” or “restart”
- For containers, if it goes above the minimum “works” and “restart” must support podman
- Must support bare metal services (status, start, stop)
- Must send email or other kind of notifications (ok IM notifications, but email preferred)
- Should additionally monitor external machines (es other servers on the LAN), or generic IP addresses
- Should detect if a web service is alive but blocked
- No need for fancy GUIs or a Web GUI (it’s a pro point, but not required)
- No need for data reporting, graphics and such aminities. They are a plus, but 100% not required.
What do you guys use?
Can you share the Home Assistant automation / setup that you have for Uptime Kuma notifications? As I’m in the same boat as you. I just got a webhook setup but I’m getting flooded with notifications, especially after services update.
My hope is I just want to be notified when a particular service is down for say 5 minutes but all I care about is knowing the node name. I don’t necessarily care to get notified if the service comes back up.
This is what the ‘retries’ setting in each monitor is for. It will only be considered down if its failed its heartbeat check <retries> number of times in a row.
I did it all in Node Red so unfortunately I can’t share the automation, but I can point you at this HACS integration https://github.com/meichthys/uptime_kuma
Set that up and all your nodes will be visible in HA then it’s just a case of “if node X is off for X minutes” - “notify”