In addition to the camera (of which I would recommend one of those camera glasses, so it’s always pointing where you’re looking), start carrying a visible brick, too. While crossing the street, make it SUPER visible that you have one. It’s not illegal to carry a brick, but it informs wanker motorists that you can, and will, use it. I have a mate in New York that does this, and taxis stopped cutting him off while he was crossing the street. He still gets slurs thrown his way, but sticks and stones and all that.
It doesn’t help you since I wasn’t there (sorry about that, mate), but, I would stick around (or give you my number for them to ring me, if I was late for work). This wanker’s behavior is deplorable, and I won’t stand for it. But, yeah lol a brick might be overkill. I was angry when I made the suggestion.