I said very few places were better alternatives. Scandinavia is never going to be able to accommodate the volume of migrants as had the United States. Scandinavia also has a lot of problems regarding their immigrant communities … high unemployment, crime, and difficulty integrating. When comparing people in the US and places like Sweden, if you control for factors like race or immigration status, the average expected experience fairs very well in the United States. Where I live in the US is very clean, gun violence is low, my cost of healthcare is almost zero … really the only thing I’d like is the vacation time but I am self-employed and am a cruel boss to myself. Most of the problems Europeans try to claim about the US are problems that do exist but are largely confined to black communities. These problems do need to be addressed but are things that Europeans have no real comparison to outside places that have large romani populations.
The US will have a democratic election in two years and it is very likely the Democrats will retake the House of Representatives. After that time, everything President Trump tries to do will rapidly decelerate. Of course, that depends on what the Democrats do to win the vote. Right now they are doubling down on the things that made them into losers the last election. They need to get their act together.