(…) there is also energy released in reaction, that can cover for decrease in surface energy (…)
Put this into equation or tell me how there is any meaning in this sentence.
This Earth, the only true home i ever had and will ever have, is not my world, i’m just a passerby in here … it is yours and it is strange.
(…) there is also energy released in reaction, that can cover for decrease in surface energy (…)
Put this into equation or tell me how there is any meaning in this sentence.
You start with a powder ( then, maybe a chemical reaction or dissolution, whatever) and after that you don’t want to end up with a powder.
To go from powder to one solid object, the only energy change is the decrease of surface energy. … you must first see this.
You are trying to put together some words that you think might make sense, but clearly, i am very sorry, but you do not master this domain.
Al2O3 : one process that exists to crystallize this at about room temperature is aluminium oxide purification :
Bayer process
… and i told you why it doesn’t work. Alternatively, if you look at stalagmites, you are starting with dissolve salts with slow evaporation. Here you get a solid with good mechanical properties. But this process is very slow. Same idea applies to shells and bones.
if you are talking about cement (like in mortar or concrete), we already have a process to turn powder into solid ceramics at room temperature. Otherwise :
Ca(OH)2 (powder) + CO2 → CaCO3 (powder)
Same for me, “creator” doesn’t sound such a bell about Goddesses (or Gods) either.
Looks like you will have to contact the administrators of your instance … maybe your instance has a community for support from admins ?
… and from those two accounts you do not block specific users or block specific Communities or block specific instances ?
… maybe it has to do with language settings for these accounts.
🎼🎶 Clap your hands🎵 !
… clap if the plane lands
Anyone, whatever how they died, don’t know anything anymore. Sorry I didn’t read, you lived something traumatic, my comment is out of place.
in one of the Lucky Luke albums, a town was under siege. Because the price of eggs skyrocketed, one egg was sold and resold until, during a transaction, a chick popped out, causing the price to rise even higher because it was now called a chicken !
15 billion years [1] before I was born
age of the universe according to the Big Bang theory
i cannot upload this 3 MB animation (copied on my device) in a comment (since 8 days) :
… maybe it’s unrelated ?
Otherwise, speed seems normal.
… until you have seen a subartic tundra lemmings’ smile 😋
Never call someone a massive asshole, call them massless.
We don’t know yet if humanity will succeed. And you are absolutely right : my proposition here is quite forced and incomplete. Yet, if we consider a broader perspective : on many planets, similar to the Earth, there must be somewhere, at some moment, a sentient species succeeding in something like this.
Let’s look at humanity as natures’ invention that could protect the Earth against total destruction of life from huge meteorites : in this context, our actual partial destruction of the biosphere (and of 99.99%? of our civilisations) is not so important.
You are getting to this :
A + B → C (metastable and insoluble)

Classical nucleation theory …
Description …
Homogeneous nucleation …
C (metastable) → C(powder precipitate)
… unless you have heterogeneous nucleation
… first you have to eliminate all particle that can be nucleus on which powder can form, then,
… you need to stay away from homogeneous nucleation as described above.
… of course you have to provide a substrate on which C will nucleate, and grow,
… and this is why, in practice, (for large heterogeneous nucleated solids production) this process is very slow.