Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!
Elaine ♀ | Made in Abyss and Pikmin connoisseur | Artist
🚫 No AI is used in my process
Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!
I donate to charities, mostly ones that pertain to researching serious medical conditions that currently do not have a cure.
The one at the end of Monsters Inc with the bloopers. I wish all the other Pixar films had it, it was so much fun!
Woah…He was a literal superhero! Another interesting fact about him was he was scared of needles, but did what he did anyway. What a hero! If I was him, I’d wish that all of the people I’d saved have long, happy lives ❤️
Pretty much anything Elon Musk. I used to be an Elon Musk fangirl up until 2018, then each successive year was like the cutscene of Crash Bandicoot having all the boxes he’s missed falling on his head.
Thank you so much! I had a lot of fun drawing her, and WALL-E is one of my all time favourite Pixar movies! I wanna try and get a 3D printer someday to print out little figurines, so I’m glad you like my 3D art too! 😃
A smartphone… I barely even use it and never use it for social media. Maybe it’s because I’ve grown accustomed to using a gaming desktop computer that still responds instantaneously even in its old age, but I find it very cumbersome to use a device where there’s a 3-5 second input lag for everything.
Sure, why not?
I can draw hands with the correct amount of fingers… and I can also upload progress pictures along with the files of the program I drew my art in!
Forced dark mode.
White font on a black background absolutely kills my eyes and I’ll enable light mode wherever possible, but some sites force dark mode for the UI with no option to switch to light mode. I can read a paragraph and I’ll still see that same paragraph in my vision for several minutes, even if I’m looking away from my monitor.
Besides worrying that my country might be invaded by the US in the not so distant future, I’m doing good! 😃 I’ve got everything I need and my health is good. I’ve got some slight art block going on at the moment, so I’m mostly playing videogames in my free time which usually tends to inspire me haha.
Digital drawing using Paint Tool Sai 1! I sometimes feel like the odd one out because everyone else seems to either use Clip Studio Paint or Procreate haha, but I love Paint Tool Sai so much it’s my beloved. It was made by just one guy too! 😃
Pouring cereal before the milk.
Aw cool! Where about did you go?
Oh I’ve heard that about penguins haha. When I was younger my parents would joke that penguins are half bird and half fish, and I guess for the smell at least that’s not too far off!
Visit Antarctica. Earth’s most beautifully desolate continent that is further away from us than space is, plus it’s cold! 😃
It’s like a South Park episode, except you couldn’t make this up. It’s beyond satire.
I like eating bones.
Chomp it raw. I think this habit of eating raw pasta came from my old habit of eating bones.
The most common kind of art you’d see is art of peculiar creatures, often ones without any eyes, but with big gaping mouths with lips and teeth
Physics is my favourite subject, so I’d imagine there would be a lot more physicists around!
Usage of “Eh” at the end of a sentence will be the norm
Nobody would be able to play hockey, since I cannot ice skate to save my life
I have hyperthymia so the entire world would be having a constant episode of mild mania pretty much LMAO