Ah, the goose just needs to go to Gaul!
Been on Lemmy for a year and some on .world, but switched to .today to support lemmy decentralization.
Ah, the goose just needs to go to Gaul!
Glad I finally got off world and can see your comments again. Missed you. Not trying to be weird, I just like your style.
Sadly, Star Wars mostly just reflects one single white man’s subconscious understanding of that culture (George Lucas). Just in the fact that Trek was written by many (yes, Roddenberry was very important but not the only voice) makes it more interesting, at least to me.
I really enjoy sharing my knowledge of writing, academia, law, literature, and history. I am a complete dumbass in many ways, but it’s because I put all my points into those topics on the character making screen before start.
I cannot remember what 7x8 equals for sure, but I am a wizard at helping students sort out what colleges to apply to, how to write their essays to best present themselves to universities, and then what school they should go to once they are accepted. I can make teenagers love Dante and Shakespeare, Homer and Twain. I have a stupidly deep knowledge of London…ok, too much sharing, I will stop!
Now I kinda want to watch it by date depicted… Do you know of a list somewhere for that?
Don’t be too mad at dad: it is definitely a teachable moment to show a kid that even if you try your best, sometimes people are jerks and you don’t get the outcome you wanted. Showing a child how to deal with that with grace but firmness would be excellent. Unfortunately, I expect that this was an older teacher and admin is afraid of her. You might not get anywhere with unleashing hell, though I will now choose to believe that that’s exactly what dad did and the horrible person got fired. There will be justice in my imagination!
This is correct. This person was not a teacher and makes everything worse for all of us who actually want to encourage and educate young people. I rarely feel anger, but this kind of thing absolutely enrages me. Why would you do this to a child??
If you can’t solve that problem, can you solve another slightly easier problem? Sometimes it is the level of difficulty that is too high for the moment, and you have to find something a little less challenging and repeatedly conquer that before you are capable of the more challenging problem. You may also be experiencing some anxiety because you are telling yourself you can’t remember it or do it. To work on this you will have to change your attitude toward your ability and working on the easier problems may also help you gain more confidence.
These are just suggestions from a veteran teacher who works with many students with the same issues; these are the things I’ve seen help the most. I hope they help you!
Holy crap! That is hilarious and awesome. This guy went to a lot of work to edit this together… Part one is 24 hours! I’m set for awhile. Thanks so much.