It’s not something I’d generally consider to be one of my kinks, but I remember one time noticing a girl I know has somewhat more prominent than average canine teeth. Not ridiculously exaggerated vampire fangs or anything, definitely within the range of normal variation of the human species, but towards the upper end of that range, just a tiny bit longer and pointier than most.
And that did something for me. Like the primal reptilian part of my brain was saying “yesss, now there’s a female you can go and hunt mammoths with”
It surely didn’t hurt that she is otherwise very conventionally attractive, but in that moment it wasn’t the great tits, ass, pretty face, blue eyes, long blonde hair, etc. that caught my eye, it was those carnivore teeth.
She’s also been an on-again/off-again vegetarian as long as I’ve known her, and has expressed some interest in hunting, so I think her own lizard-brain also seems to have some strong thoughts on the matter.
Depends a bit on what you want to consider a “weasel”
The weasel family (mustildae) is pretty diverse, we don’t necessarily call everything in that family a “weasel” but that distinction is somewhat arbitrary.
It includes all manner of critters from the Least Weasel (yes, that’s seriously what someone decided to call the smallest weasel) that can be as small as about 4½" in length and weigh about an ounce or so
Up to Giant Otters that can reach about 5’7" in length or Sea Otters that can weigh about 100lbs
And in between you have some things like badgers and wolverines