Black people started using the n word among themselves casually, doesn’t mean other people can just copy it and shield themselves from accusations of racism by saying Black people were doing it first.
Black people started using the n word among themselves casually, doesn’t mean other people can just copy it and shield themselves from accusations of racism by saying Black people were doing it first.
What did you watch, Innuendo Studios’ How to Radicalize a Normie series or something? I find it kinda funny that you’re being so vague about what exactly it is that bothers you about ‘tankies’ as opposed to other leftists because I’m pretty sure a lot of the people you’re arguing with aren’t Marxist-Leninists or anything. It’s giving shadowboxing vibes.
A tankie is literally someone who believes in authoritarian communism
How could you achieve communism or socialism without authoritarianism? Do you believe in revolution? Is a revolution not the most authoritarian process imaginable, the forced imposition of a new reality by one class unto another?
can you explain what you actually disagree with? and are the tactics in question just using wojaks and being a little rude sometimes?
Buddy you’re the one comparing my personal friend Xi Jinping to a yellow bear, how do you not see how close to blackface that is
Dutch guy getting beat up after doing blackface: “Waah! It’s a important cultural practice! You don’t understand, it has nothing to do with race, Dutch people just have folklore stories about dark skinned fantasy creatures coming and stealing our stuff! You’re the ones making it about race!”
The students in Tiananmen Square did get exactly what they deserved. A safe evacuation after the fighting in the streets surrounding the square got too intense.