I imagine you already know, but for those who may not: Scifi Channel did a Dresden Files series like … 20? Years ago. I don’t remember if it was any good, but it definitely wasn’t HBO style and didn’t cover all the books.
I imagine you already know, but for those who may not: Scifi Channel did a Dresden Files series like … 20? Years ago. I don’t remember if it was any good, but it definitely wasn’t HBO style and didn’t cover all the books.
Individual experiences can vary significantly. With sleeping pattern, for example: when I was on Vyvanse, I actually slept better than when I wasn’t on medication; I fell asleep easier and felt more rested in the mornings. Strattera (a “non-stimulant”), on the other hand, had me waking hourly and having bizarre dreams.
Oof. I can kinda relate. Any way you could do the tech stuff part time, and be a cashier part time? I have seriously considered finding a part time role in my current line of work to just make enough money to live, and then doing something else part time that doesn’t eat my soul.
You’re not crazy. If you’re making enough to live on and you’re happy, then I’m not sure what else a person could ask for.
For my part, I have a decent job in healthcare, making a good salary by any measure, but it’s emotionally strenuous on the best of days and I dream of quitting to go start a flower farm. The bad days are utterly soul-sucking, so I absolutely cannot do this kind of work for another 18 years (when I’ll turn 54 too), so I fully intend to do similarly to you once I am financially secure enough. Definitely not retail for me though; I got enough of that in my college days. 😛
Hear me out: Taken, with muppets. Liam Neeson reprises as the token human character.