I mean last time I had it it was better than it used to be like decades ago but all fast food places got expensive enough that it make more sense to go to a bit better alternative.
I mean last time I had it it was better than it used to be like decades ago but all fast food places got expensive enough that it make more sense to go to a bit better alternative.
I would have elementary logic in high school. Anyone who knows reading/writing/arithmetic is ready for logic so it can be done when they are ready for algebra. I would also have senior year science be done in journal club format where a students present at least least one paper a semester and tests are given over all papers presented (which of course all students should be reading before the presentation.)
came to mention american gods. love how the god of trees to paper to money.
are they doing a good job? if so are they pushing back on anything unethical in the software that they want?
eyup but honestly the end of 2024 already exhausted me.
I am lazy every minute I can be now. Almost all my freetime is now just decompressing. The height of this is a hot bath that goes for well over an hour.
I mean Im like 99% sure the creator of neko islands might be a furry and the creators of the headmaster might just be into spankings.
last place I worked had an environment refered to as poc/staging. poc. staging. these are supposed to be as far apart as possible in a non prod environment not combined.
Im not sure that is the case. The main things are some abortions are medically necessary for the mothers life or health and when its illegal then you get the jack knife barbers doing them. Lastly if they are allowed on small time frame then it becomes just do it as no time to think it over.
tablet and streaming but does not work with loud things like vacumming.