Sword, bat, laser gun, wand. Not for using directly, but for throwing.
Anything that can be chucked at my opponents face gives me time to rush in and combo them.
Sword, bat, laser gun, wand. Not for using directly, but for throwing.
Anything that can be chucked at my opponents face gives me time to rush in and combo them.
Laughs in usenet
Yea, torrents. Sure. Lol.
People sometimes come up with things they think are clever, but don’t have the time, money, or energy to present them in a meaningful way, so they instead make a shitty AI image of a billboard to get more attention than their words would otherwise.
Most media portrays Nazi’s as evil fascists with a deep, seething hatred towards Jews and other persecuted minorities. However, Hans Landa is so unsettling because he doesn’t hate the Jews. We aren’t watching someone driven by emotion or even personal ambition. No, this man does his job for the simple reason that he’s good at it. He’s precise; clinical. He orders the deaths of the people in hiding as casually and as detached as someone tidying up their desk space.
And that’s what makes it all the more terrifying. It’s seeing man incredibly skilled at his craft, who takes pleasure in the simple act of a job well done; it just happens that the job is hunting human beings. Not only is he not blinded by hatred, but he uses that lack of hatred as a tool to become even more efficient at exterminating them.
That kind of cold detachment sends hardwired signals of danger to the audience. By the end of that scene, you know you are watching a true monster. One that would just as easily shake a man’s hand as he would slit their throat, and never lose a minute of sleep over it.
*Your experience may vary
I am miserable for hours after I get up. Definitely not “smooth sailing”
deleted by creator
Don’t answer.
Because the CCP will come arrest you if you do?
We could always emulate China and start rounding up our minorities into camps and arresting any citizens who speak out. Would that be better?
Series of AI generated answers
Article from site you’ve never heard of that is filled with ads
Article from a local city you’ve never heard of
Article written by AI that contains 3 sentences and then ads
Actual good source article for different topic
Reddit post about topic
Next page?
If someone I don’t like or interact with says they support me, that is not me “teaming up” with them.