As you should. Because the alternative is just putting it on some team wiki page where they’ll just copy and paste it to their local stuff anyways. It just saves everyone time.
Any pronouns. 33.
Professional developer and amateur gardener located near Atlanta, GA in the USA.
As you should. Because the alternative is just putting it on some team wiki page where they’ll just copy and paste it to their local stuff anyways. It just saves everyone time.
Sure, fail the entire build because of a formatting problem. Hey, wouldn’t it be cool if we could stop that from happening? I don’t know, maybe by also adding in IDE specific formatting files? No? Oh. I wasn’t aware we could only have formatting files OR a CI format checker. 🙄
None of these things come at the expense of others. You can do both. Even if it’s part of the local build process I’d much rather know in my editor than on the terminal. And you may say “just have everyone do the same setup” to which I’d wonder what sort of magical land you live in where everyone always follows those rules and/or you can get buy in from management to spend that much time bike shedding and why you’d prefer either of them to just adding the damn file to version control to avoid it entirely.
Linting rules and scripts should never live in an IDE-specific directory. I should not need to know your IDE configuration to run scripts and lint my files.
This is what I’m getting at with it being cargo culty. You can have generic scripts and also IDE specific run configurations too.
If your whole team uses the same IDE, what’s wrong with commiting things like run configurations and code styles? I agree in general, but a wholesale ban on it is very cargo culty to me. There can be legitimate times to do it.
Long long ago, but yeah
This is probably not a relevant counter point, just a(n un)fun fact, but Nintendo put in a patent for throwing a capture ball at monsters after Pal World was released and Pal World has to change some stuff (though I’m not sure if they’re doing it to avoid going to court because they’re concerned or if they’re being compelled).
Idk what all it does and doesn’t do, but installing it in Windows lets you find your Raspberry Pi by its “.local” hostname. I know it was originally for printers or something.
Use this so that the things you need to share do get shared.
Note: I haven’t checked the vs code ones in depth, the list might not be perfect.
How do you figure? Suppose they’re just like us. There would still be twice as much media and history to look into.
I think they meant like NPC drivers or something lol