I am a Routing Analyst for a communication platform. We do SMS, MMS and voice traffic. I make $80k working from home.
I am a Routing Analyst for a communication platform. We do SMS, MMS and voice traffic. I make $80k working from home.
Find a place that doesn’t feel like torture with a management team who isn’t shitty. My first job in IT was for DXC, a massive MSP with 100k+ employees. I was applying for new jobs 3 months in because I saw it was unsustainable for me. Just before my 1 year I got an offer. I now work for a smaller ~250 person company with a management style that doesn’t make me anxious or stressed. I also do woodworking as a hobby and built myself a desk, coffee bar and bench. I firmly believe that the right job can let you have your cake and eat it too. It’s just a struggle and a job in itself to find the good cake in the first place.
83k?? I’ve been in IT for 2 years and I’m about making that much. Would more money help? Maybe job hop to a company that fits your vibe better?
I make sure messages and calls get to end user devices by using the most cost effective and dependable routes. It’s a niche job, I work for an international brand and I am the first “Routing” position that I am aware of stateside. I didn’t graduate highschool or go to college, it really just requires some industry specific knowledge and willingness and ability to learn.