Maybe you live in a rural area and people are less attached, but in cities, everyone is addicted af
I live in Paris, France (hopefully enough of a city to qualify?) but I’m not ‘addicted af’ (not at all, for that matter) and neither is my spouse, nor are quite a few of the people we know ;)
That said I also see a lot of people walking looking at their screen, bicycling looking at their screen, driving and looking at their screen. And I see a lot of accidents too. I wonder, could there be a link?
Welcome and there is zero need to apologize. Some people (and group of them) can be a real pain. Once you have learned how to filter them out, it’s a nice place with nice people. There is no shame in blocking them, a bit like I would not let someone enter my home so they shout their nonsense into my ears, or make their mess on the carpet.
Once again, welcome ;)