If you learn the timings, and choose the right route, you can hit green lights all night. Back when I had a job which finished up around 2am, I managed to travel ~15km across the city without hitting a red light, probably 2/3 of the time.
If you learn the timings, and choose the right route, you can hit green lights all night. Back when I had a job which finished up around 2am, I managed to travel ~15km across the city without hitting a red light, probably 2/3 of the time.
For me it’s the amount of debugging it takes to get new games to run. Most games these days come with some sort of third party launcher or drm that takes a lot of work to kill in order to get them running.
I just spent 12 hours debugging because of shitty-closed source software that i have to work around, i dont want to do it again.