If that’s program defined behaviour then yes that’s definitely a Teams problem. Stuff like this is why I hate grouped icons though, I just don’t have the issue because I have seperate task bar slots for both windows.
If that’s program defined behaviour then yes that’s definitely a Teams problem. Stuff like this is why I hate grouped icons though, I just don’t have the issue because I have seperate task bar slots for both windows.
That’s on windows, I don’t have teams on my arch install (does it even exist for linux?) but it works with KDE too (at least with other programs).
Kinda sucks that mac OS doesn’t even allow that as an option. Windows started defaulting to grouped icons at some point (probably copying mac) and I’ve always disliked it, but at least you could always disable it (save for some small period at the start of windows 11 that I thankfully never had to use).
Though overall it seems pretty popular, it’s just cases like these where it can get really annoying I suppose.