How do you know it’s not whispering in the ears of Techbros to wipe us all out?
How do you know it’s not whispering in the ears of Techbros to wipe us all out?
Code combat. It’s a video game they have to program. It starts at a no code level where you build simple movement and progresses from there. It’s a great start for a kid who’s 5 or 6
More likely to be da bomb 💣
Terriers are very susceptible to Kushings disease, and they can behave very unpredictably when it happens.
That’s what I appreciates about ya
You’re missing my point: The point where they stop chasing money, or power, or anything you want to call it, is when they have it ALL. They are not a homogeneous group. More than one want everything, and they will burn the world down to get it. The point where stopping is even forethought will be when the guillotines are at the door or humanity is wiped out.
One problem with your ending: They can’t stop taking, so they won’t stop short of where people will riot. The rich will never reach such an equilibrium state because one of those psychopaths has to be the emperor and others will always try and usurp the power.
Shotwell sounds like a Bond villain name
Is she a Bond villain?
I’m in technical presales. I go with salespeople and explain the IT infra, services and cybersecurity we sell. Should be $190k+ this year.