This is why Blender is truly the best of us.
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This is why Blender is truly the best of us.
GBA: I really like the remakes of the first Pokémon releases, being Fire Red and Leaf Green. It just makes me wonder why they never went with Green for the international release of the Game Boy version.
PSP: Patapon 2. It’s kind of impressive that they made a rhythm game with an actual storyline, being that you’re a god that is guiding a tribe to “Earthend”, using a set of drums to give them commands. I thought it was the best game in the series, and even has a remaster on the PS4 if you’re interested in that.
Yeah, those are the only consoles I have actually played. It’s not fun being in a country where video games are astronomically expensive.
Public Domain Day. It’s the day when many works enter the public domain for use without getting permission from the copyright holder, therefore you could do some really interesting takes on the media. This year, Popeye and Tintin entered the public domain. Last year, it’s was Steamboat Willie, the iconic first Walt Disney cartoon with Mickey Mouse.
Problem is, Public Domain Day is on 1 January, the same day as New Years Day. People really love to celebrate the latter (not in my country, barely anyone cares about either).
Resol - can mean a number of different things. It’s the first 5 letters of the word “resolution”. It’s also the word “loser” spelled backwards. It’s two notes on a keyboard (D and G in Anglo-Saxon music notation). And it just looks and sounds cool in my opinion.
van - the Dutch word meaning “of” or “from”. Note that I am not referring to actual vans (the German equivalent being “von”, which also appears in a lot of names). Also I prefer spelling that word completely in lowercase.
Lemmy - isn’t it obvious? It’s this wonderful website.
Put them together, and you get “Resol van Lemmy”. It sounds pretty nice, don’t you think? Especially since I really hate my real name.
Germany, Bahrain, Belgium, France, and Qatar.
I actually wanna move to Belgium one day, so it’s nice that I can get some help and advice from a family member whenever I need it.
I think Blender is a very honorable mention, especially since the team that makes the software has also used it to make some really impressive short films, such as Big Buck Bunny. Who knows, maybe some indie studio can use it to make some truly wonderful stuff (and I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case).
Same here. My city’s buildings are not made with missile protection in mind. We don’t even have basements for tornado protection since tornados barely ever happen here. And if an earthquake strikes, you’re basically doomed to live in a tent for the next decade of your life assuming you survive.
I hate Morocco so much.
I would guess a lot.