3 of the greatest people of our time
Absolutely nothing changes. The “closed eyes” people are just as bad as the actual fascists, because they’re enablers.
Only if they can gaslight into giving them permission. If they convince you theyre a friend you havent seen since high school that would be the way to go.
Not sure what the irrational or paranoid bit of this is about
I dunno, i understand it pretty well. Lack of education, lead paint/gasoline, nationalism, fascism, racism, sexism, economic disparity, lack of healthcare to deal with neural degeneracy common in trump supporters, and finally lower borth rates among the more educated. America is a shithole, and has been for the past 40 years at least. Until we finally grow a spine and start “adjusting”, things are going to continue getting worse until were all dead and the olligarchs own everything. Then theyll move on to fucking the rest of the world (harder than they already are)
It was posted there first, then op edited it
Oh, I didnt know he had a rare blood type. Was he rhnull?