Life ist the only dramedy about you you’ll ever have, so might as well experience that and with a little bit of Yolo attitude!
Life ist the only dramedy about you you’ll ever have, so might as well experience that and with a little bit of Yolo attitude!
All of them. They end up the same, by design.
Too much to list.
Stuff that was created to do something and does just that.
No fuss, no ads, no updates, no sudden change of terms, no phoning home.
Oh come on. We do have the best beer. And a lot of breweries.
Or so they say about the former.
I wouldn’t know. I don’t even like beer 😁. So I really don’t care what is true regarding this.
Oh you need to befriend me. It’s an absolutely normal answer. As is “well at the rate it’s going humanity is doomed and shits getting worse rapidly, I’m coping”.
Well that’s what they invented companies for!
(ok well I know that wasn’t the objective at the beginning but it was developed that way)
Best answer here.
While I fully agree and am very afraid of the current developments this answer kind of comes off as “you too” which feels like a try to belittle the issue.
There’s a lot of context missing in this, like the USA having the biggest army and privately owned guns, just to name one thing.
As jordanlund says, do not mess with toner.
It’s tiny particles and not healthy and world ruin you vacuum (and spread it).