Yeah, I remember when my step dad has a period he believed this. He would find ways to tune music back to how it’s “supposed” to sound. Everything sounded horribly out of tune, but he’d just say it’s because we’ve all become so used to listening to music the “bad” way.
Oh yeah, my parents certainly believe Stargate is created by artists trying casually reveal “the truth”, not in a literal sense, but one that is very open to interpretation. Somehow (and especially to my mom) if some artist, like a singer or a writer, creates something that is adjacent to her beliefs she’ll feel validated about them.
The tech being drip-fed into the public is also one, connected directly to the one where “the military” has super advanced technology.
And same with water. My parents already believe in homeopathy, and everything that comes with it. So water has a special “memory” that can somehow be imprinted and change its properties. Same goes with influencing water with sound or light.
And of course, they have INSANE distrust for doctors. Or literally anyone in a professional position. I think, with their beliefs, if you’re in a professional position you’re part of the system that hides and lies to the population, a mandate of “them” in control, to keep everyone stupid and complacent. So anyone in a professional position is an enemy, a malicious entity out to get you.