My distinctions are real, yours are just lines on a map
My distinctions are real, yours are just lines on a map
No, god, please, no
I would pull that lever so fucking hard. That amount of responsibility would basically take over and ruin my life, even if they never caught me
X-Com, baby 😎 It would be just like Edge of Tomorrow
We thought they would use this power to end world hunger, but it only took them 7 hours to weaponize it
I like the idea because it gives people job experience and forces them to interact with a broader cross-section of society, and might help some people who wouldn’t otherwise do so consider it as a career, making the military more diverse. It also helps us be more prepared in the event of a major war. And obviously teenage conscripts should never be given combat deployments unless the homeland is literally being invaded, we’ve seen how traumatic that is even for people who self-select into it. I very much doubt it would do anything to decrease gun violence.
Some of those might even be real. Telling the difference between a bot and an altcoin fanatic is the hardest turing test.
Yes, the Nazis were very bad and I’m glad the Soviet Union defeated them instead of joining them and carving up Europe together
Three cheers for murder
This guy in the warehouse made a deal with another guy to sell his porn collection. So he brings it in one day in a big cardboard box and leaves it sitting in the coat room with the top open, you could see X-rated stuff just walking by. Someone says something to management and the box gets confiscated, but they don’t know who it belongs to so that’s pretty much the end of it. Until our hero goes and files a complaint about the theft of his property.
Because it worked on them. At some point someone was a smug, obnoxious cunt to them online and they were like “Wow, thanks, I guess I’m a communist now!”
I actually love apartments, but nice big ones. I love having a gym and pool that I don’t have to personally maintain, I love being up high and having a good view and a nice breeze on the balcony, and being walking distance to the metro. A detached house obviously beats the pants off a small, dark, poorly ventilated apartment with no amenities, which is probably why they cost 10X as much.