Librewolf is the best ✅
Linux. Runit. SwayWM. Colemak-CAWS. Espresso. Cycling. The list goes on; stop using so many god-damn periods!
Librewolf is the best ✅
Also shout-out to airwindows. Absolutely fantastic plugin collection, and entirely free!!!
Edit: also, while I’m at it, Orca is a great, though very weird, sequencer.
I almost disagree with this.
IMO Reaper is fantastic and simply a better drop-in replacement for audacity. Audacity—despite the wonderful name, second only to Alacritty (maybe the greatest program name ever)—is wildly difficult to use, buggy as all hell, and insanely inefficient. Reaper, on the other hand, works for simple things and for complex synthesizer and wacky editing stuff perfectly. I still remember how surprised and bemused I was that the Electro-Akustik department in the Akademie der Künste in Berlin uses basically-free Reaper for their recording needs.
The only argument for audacity is the slightly faster start-up time, and the absence of a “buy-me” pop-up (if you haven’t purchased one of the very affordable licenses). Seriously though, since I discovered Reaper I’ve basically used it for everything not related to work et al. Fantastic software.
Audacity is decent, but Reaper is sooooooooooooooooooooooo much better. Sooooooooooooooooooooooo much. And it’s basically free (presuming you’re not a business).
You could at least try to be civil. I am still curious as to what your original reply meant though. Are you calling me centrist? I am communist, how in the world could I simultaneously be centrist? Furthermore, I wasn’t — as far as I’m aware — stating any kind of political opinion with my original reply.
Please, I beg you, elaborate. I would appreciate that a lot more than jumping to conclusions.
Would you care to elaborate?
Edit: Well, to be fair, I could have paragraphed a little more effectively.
How might one/I find an instance with very few de-federations? What are examples of such instances. Thanks, and, just as you say, peace.
Yes! It’s a sad, sad world. It mostly has to do with people’s political opinions on moderators, i.e. “.ml are tankies” and “.world are right-wing normie fascists” or something like that. I have never — literally never — witnessed a .ml mod doing something I thought was bad. I have also seen only one tankie since I joined .ml. I have witnessed some kind of conflict between .world and .ml everytime single time I open Lemmy though. Kind of depressing. I wish we could make less of a deal of an issue that, all things considered, seems pretty small. Ah well, that aside, Lemmy is still great, it will just take time to mature — like all social platforms in their beginnings!
In Germany Jan Böhmermann did an expose on Falun Gong once, and it was hilarious. Highly recommend, it’s still on YouTube.