Yeah fuck that guy
Yeah fuck that guy
This is not the goal. Their only goal is wealth and power, just like Putin.
The Christian/Corporate Fascist Theocracies method to achieve wealth and power is to bankrupt the government, privatise all public services and land, remove the threat of democracy, and plunge the people back into feudalism… all while lining their pockets, exactly like the Russian oligarchs did post-USSR.
They do not give two shits about bringing jobs back to America or any of the other virtues they vacuously signal. They’re the kind of people who outsourced everything to China begin with.
A surplus of food is grown in the US. When you buy anything processed, it’s extremely hard to tell where all the ingredients came from. “Product of Mexico” could’ve been made with x from portugal, y from california.
Also there’s a good chance some of your gas comes from the states too, as they have been an exporter for a decade thanks to fracking.
Member when a single lightbulb was fucking 70-100W? What a shit hole civilization.
“It is difficult to get a man to understand acknowledge something, when his salary depends on his not understanding acknowledging it.”
A ton of these people know what’s happening, they just don’t want to rock the boat or disrupt the thing they’ve built.
If even a relatively small number — say 10-20% — just refused to buy anything other than the bare essentials (like food, energy, utils) until action was taken, you’d probably see more action than if those people got out in the streets and protested.
ZFS is an enterprise software RAID, and 1:1 RAM to TB is the minimum recommended requirement for a production server (e.g. enterprise implementations).
I’ve seen many users stating they have far far less than 1:1 without issues. I recall a r/DataHoarder user saying they have 100+ TB’s and only 16 or 32GB RAM, which is not fully utilized, so it all depends on your usage profile and the size/scale of r/w ops occurring during peak periods.
That wasn’t what was reported, and is largely false. What was reported is that people are buying NEW drives which have FARM values indicating years of use. Also the most likely cause being a crypto project going under, and dropping petabytes in capacity over the last 12 months.
This type of fraud hasn’t been proven in the used HDD space. There are many reasons used drives are sold other than exceeding usable life or warranty. Companies over forecast capacity or simply go bankrupt all the time (see crypto / ai), and those drives are sold. Considering drives are 30-50% more expensive now than they were 6-12 months ago the incentive and profitability of resale has increased.
Fascists lie about everything. If a fascist ever tells the truth, it’s either a mistake or a coincidence that conveniently aligns with their propaganda and goals.
That’s just how fascism is, and always will be.
To the top with you
Did the ER dr believe that?
Chadwick Cockburn
Man, all of these responses are crazy to me. They sound like living in some corporate cyberpunk dystopia instead of a developed economy. Been living in Sydney for 35 years. Grew up on the outskirts that were minutes from bush and farmland. I have essentially never experienced power loss for more than a day. I don’t think the powers been out for more than 6 hours in the last 2 decades. I don’t even think the power’s cut out once in the last 2-3 years. There may have been 1 or 2 occasions that took longer than a day, after severe storms, when I was a child, but the memories are so vague I’m not sure they even happened, and definitely not more than 48 hours.
I grew up with computers and cable, so I would remember if I were forced to raw dog existence for fucking days. It would of been trauma.
The only cables I’ve ever thrown out are my husbands, because he tears them from devices like a retarded neanderthal.
Then explain compound interest, and how once you earn more than you need to have a comfortable life, your money can make money for you, and that each 1M invested can consistently return 50k a year…
Then explain how if you had 25k to gamble with in 2009, and bought APPL stock, it would now be worth 1 million, or if you’d bought BTC at that same time you’d now be a billionaire.
Then explain how societies laws are made by the people with the most money, so the rich get richer and the poor get extortion.
The Democrats were well and truly captured by the corporate plutocracy at that point, by decades.
Cultural appropriation huh
The things we find cute are not necessarily the things which we associate with predators. We find prey animals cute too.
The peacock jumping spider is cute af.
Have you taken a look at DailyTxT?