Grayjay by FUTO has been working well for me
Grayjay by FUTO has been working well for me
A few reasons
Telling my partner to visit a website seems easy, they visit websites every day, but they don’t use a VPN everyday and they don’t care to.
I know I should learn NixOS, I even tried for a few hours one evening but god damn, the barrier to entry is just a little too high for me at the moment 🫤
I’ve played around with reverse proxies and ssl certs and the easiest method I’ve found so far was docker. Just haven’t put anything in production yet. If you don’t know how to use docker, learn, it’s so worth it.
Here is the tutorial I used and the note I left for myself. You’ll need a domain to play around with. Once you figure out how to get NGINX and certbot set up, replacing the helloworld container with a different one is relatively straight forward.
DO NOT FORGET, you must give certbot read write permissions in the docker-compose.yml file which isn't shown in this tutorial
container_name: nginx
restart: unless-stopped
image: nginx
- helloworld
- 80:80
- 443:443
- ./nginx/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
- ./certbot/conf:/etc/letsencrypt:ro
- ./certbot/www:/var/www/certbot:ro
image: certbot/certbot
container_name: certbot
- ./certbot/conf:/etc/letsencrypt:rw
- ./certbot/www:/var/www/certbot:rw
command: certonly --webroot -w /var/www/certbot --keep-until-expiring --email *email* -d *domain1* -d *domain2* --agree-tos
I was. It was learning the Nix way of doing things that was just taking more time than i had anticipated. I’ll get around to it eventually though
I tried out proxmox years ago but besides the web interface, I didn’t understand why I should use it over Debian or Ubuntu. At the moment, I’m just using Ubuntu and docker containers. In previous setups, I was using KVMs too.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t you have to reboot every time you change your Nix config? That was what was painful. Once it’s set up the way you want, it seemed great but getting to that point for a beginner was what put me off.
I would be interested to see the config though