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Have they? As far as i am aware, the Lend-Lease act of 2022 hasnt been used once. The weapons weren’t loaned, but the 4.4 Billion dollars for buying weapons were. Thats a fraction of the 176 billion the US spent in this war.
That 500B debt is number pulled of Trumps Ass.
Almost as if a preventable policy shift happened.
It was my brother’s graduation party and i had pretty much free access to Hugo and other sweet booze. Huge mistake. Ended up vomiting in my sleep.
Whatever you read was pure mosquitoshit uwu
I have never seen a more USian post than this.
From Germany and i speak German, English and Spanish. I can survive daily life in French and Catalan, but its pretty rough. Currently, i am learning Persian :)
The fact that nine people m people think that intelligence is actually a highly inheritable trait is worrying.
Try to talk about the Tiananmen Square in China, Monsieur Jacques I.
Socialists predicted that the US would cozy up to russia?