Babylon rots from the inside. Corrupt systems cannot last forever.
Organic weed farmer and sci-fi enthusiast.
Babylon rots from the inside. Corrupt systems cannot last forever.
100% the national parks are amazing
I always thought it was “prizes”
Not playing whatever that game is that he said he’s really good at but actually doesn’t even play
Word, get that bag… but I ain’t about it
I do game, but I have a dedicated HTPC that I game on. My laptop is mostly for work, I own my own business so I do a lot of design, spreadsheeting, etc. I also write lyrics and prose for a hobby, so I use my laptop for that, as well as some light music production. I think the only game I play on it is the KDE minesweeper clone.
I got named Bizzle in like 2008 because my real name wasn’t cool enough, it just stuck
Everyone i know gives thumbs up
What if the dudes name was Mario lmfaooooo
Sometimes I’ll smoke weed, it makes shit that sucks seem awesome and I’m such an elite weed head that it doesn’t make me lazy
I had a fuck ass boiler where the pump would get stuck from not running in the warmer months, the sediments would still and the pump wouldn’t move. So in the fall when it came time to use it I always had to whack it with a 2x4 and a hammer to get it to spin again. Could be similar.
Dickhead Oligarch Getting Enriched