I don’t murder all the time when no one’s around to notice. You’re welcome to everyone.
I don’t murder all the time when no one’s around to notice. You’re welcome to everyone.
Perhaps it would help if you were to… say… document cases of this. Perhaps a list and links to as many of these communities as you can point to. You know, to research and begin assessing… the scale of the problem… and maybe how to resolve it.
Because nascar finally added it back in and they wanna feel different.
TwatWaffle McDunceland
Have literally never heard anyone argue you can’t hear pictures. In what context would this even come up? The premise for the joke is tired, old, and was always stupid and unrealistic. Like movies with poor setups just to make a plot work.
“Political appointee”
Married people and parents also shit post and are depressed and have issues.
Metal Gear Cobra: The Joy
The story of how the unit came to be Heroes in WWII, and especially the Normandy event for them. I want to see The Joy’s story earlier. Potentially allow replaying as each member of the team.
A sequel could be training Snake amd doing missions with him in the 50’s, ending with the flight to space.
Alternatively, tell the story of Raiden saving Sunny.
Taco Bell Enchirito’s around 10+ years ago were amazing. I think they temporarily bring similar things back, but it’s never the same.
It’s been obvious since the 2008 election that we never actually improved. People just sort of hid it for a while, but it was always there and it’s all out in the open now. We’re the shithole country.
The Saboteur. A somewhat forgotten but excellent game from the PS3/X360 era, still available on Steam I think.
You play an Irishman in Paris punching nazis and blowing up their shit. The world is black & white and becomes colorful as you capture things.
The racing part sucks, but otherwise the concept and style was just a ton of fun. It had memorable and unique sights and sounds and was just overall a satisfying play.
Removed by mod
I cannot express how much I hate pieces of shit who say this tired phrase.
Pull the fucking stick out. It’s an unserious anonymous internet gag question. Not everything needs to be constant moral high grounding on others.
Until they don’t.
Too fucking funny. This is because of the various bad news, right? So fucking funny. Everyone and their dog bragging about proton mail the last few years and you’re a moron if you haven’t switched blah blah blah.
Am I the only one that fucking hates anyone who asks “am I the only one”?
Idiotic way to start a question and always just ends my give a shit for whatever was being asked. Its up there with people saying “umm” or “like” too much to where I stop listening.
No. You aren’t the only one for anything. Everyone has thought of and noticed everything. You just aren’t seeing [insert anything] talked about enough in your tight little echo chamber algorithm.
Try “who else has noticed…” or “I found this interesting…”
Also look for modding history in two ways. One, does that model of car online have a big community who loves to mod it? Your insurance is likely not going to be good.
Second, has anything about the specific car you’re buying been modded? Shorter springs, air intake, exhaust changes, tires size different from stock size, etc. Anything looks off? Probably best to move on. It’s likely been an abused toy for someone before you.
Checking various fluids can also potentially help. I also try to consider if there’s any sign at all of major things having issues like transmission, or just small things like electronics I could live without.
Also like your idea about checking and comparing cost of tires for a particular car. In addition to that, the brand of tire and conditio of tires can also tell you a bit about who had been owning it and how they treated it.
I put Yugo on it.