it could have been not
since there’s no try
sapphic. hater of capital letters. bunny and cat mum. renn faire enjoyer. theatre kid. squishmallows enthusiast. taylor swift lover era appreciator. marisha ray defender. houseplant addict. multiple social accounts haver.
it could have been not
since there’s no try
every control structure should end in the backwards spelling of how they started
Jellyfin is great but, to be fair, anything is better than Plex.
how do they compare with infomaniak? i was looking to move from aws to an eu solution.
Somewhere Christopher Columbus* shifted uncomfortably in his seat
*Obligatory frick Christopher Columbus
The river underneath is insanely deep.
That’s when you just say frick it and caulk the wagon.
Too many capital letters in the gen z version.
Technically math is localised, especially in places that don’t use the western alphabet.
I know this is a joke but it’s still wild to me that programming languages aren’t localised.
Personally, I love the song, but for those who don’t:
if i were friends with joel greenberg and matt gaetz i wouldn’t want to be in the news either.
Elon is basically what a dumb kid thinks smart people sound like
10 print “All Work, No Play”
20 goto 10
30 end
Why fight when you can just do cd /mnt/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/
Get rid of the sea word
Just use certbot and cron.
When I had a Mac, literally the first thing I did was set up a Hazel rule to delete every single .DS_Store in every folder.
DS DS DS D-not gonna work here anymore, anyway.
twenty years experience for being a cashier? i learned how to do it in one night at 16 when i worked at a supermarket.