The wealthy and the powerful. Nobody else is interested in sticking their neck out. Those that are, are influenced by propaganda that is controlled by the wealthy and powerful.
An Embedded Software Engineer who does game dev as a hobby.
The wealthy and the powerful. Nobody else is interested in sticking their neck out. Those that are, are influenced by propaganda that is controlled by the wealthy and powerful.
Just keep in mind that propaganda is not unique to western countries, if you will.
Oh I got my comment removed by saying something pretty mundane in a chill manner.
I sense a ban is coming! If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
I mean if you want to count down to the individual blood cell spilled of course is going to be different. But the pressures that make the US do horrible stuff are the same pressures that make China do horrible stuff are the same pressures that make any country do horrible stuff.
Na both are right. All countries have blood on their hands. It’s honestly not a good comparison.
Yes, has there been a lack of evidence for the Palestinian genocide?
We already had in place Protecting Americans’ Data from Foreign Adversaries Act, and the American Data Privacy and Protection Act. These acts prevent companies from giving US consumer data to foreign adversaries. Why did we make another law specifically naming tiktok?
Also, this is a fun watch:
It’s not that it isn’t spyware, it’s that all social media is. If the US had a problem with spyware, they would make a sweeping laws about spyware. Not just target one platform. This is racism pure and simple.
No on spies on our citizens except for us!
I mostly agree with your post. I take exception to the barely works part. Either the code works or it doesn’t. If it doesn’t work, fix it. If it works, don’t fix it.
If you “fix” working code, you are spending time adding no value to the project. You could even argue you’re adding negative value because the people who are used to the code working the way it was now have a surprise.