Damn that looks cool. I’m disappointed in how many projects are only for Docker though :(
“I’m knittin’ like a fuckin electric nan”
Damn that looks cool. I’m disappointed in how many projects are only for Docker though :(
Yeah the decline of union membership is what I feel really limits working class political power in the US. We’ve basically ceded all our power (I understand the reasons are not so simple), and our concept of solidarity. I don’t know how we can really build any persistent (and effective) movement without organized labor.
Hey I agree with you on pretty much everything else, but the Vietnam and Iraq war protests are bad examples of efficacy. They were necessary, and should have been bigger, but both those wars went on for like 20 years.
This isn’t really true. We all have different characteristics. Some people are naturally more suited to certain things more than others. Yes, everyone can improve a given skill to some degree, but not everyone can be “good at” some particular thing. It’s OK, because they can be good at something else!
Damn that sucks :(. Seems to me I have to disable my VPN in order to discover devices, but I can re-enable it afterwards. I use it mostly for clipboard sharing between devices.
I use KDEConnect. I don’t know about iPhone but it works with Android, Linux and Windows.
I don’t have the time right now to get back into it, and it’s been a year since I last tried, so I don’t recall the specifics.
I’ve been using Linux daily since 2007 (Ubuntu Feisty Fawn). I’ve learned a lot, and there’s some things I’ve never learned. Docker is one of those things that has been a problem. I also don’t do a bit of programming.
Homie, I have been there. I spent days. I found it confusing. I don’t recall all the details, but I wasn’t able to get it all working. I will try again some day.
I appreciate your confidence (and your docker evangelism), but I don’t have the bandwidth to tackle a docker project right now. I don’t believe I was ever building containers, as I was leveraging projects like DockStarter designed to make things more painless. I’m sure I’ll try again sometime, but that time isn’t right now.
Yes, complete lack of understanding. That is a problem when it comes to working with something. I don’t understand python and venv either, but I got it working anyway in about 10 minutes. My experience with docker is that it had too many moving parts, particularly when it came to networking. It obviously seems easy to you and lots of other people, but it hasn’t come easily to me. I’ll probably need someone in the room with me to ever understand it.
I have a system that’s been working well (except for this new thing I’m trying to add) for a couple years now. I am not looking yo replace it with docker (something that I have failed with in the past). Maybe next time my system breaks I’ll take another look at docker.
I guess I must be stupid, because I’ve tried a few times and never understood it. I tried projects like DockStarter.
I’ve tried a few times, and have yet to fundamentally understand it. Been using Linux since 2007!
Every couple of years I try docker again. I just fail to wrap my head around it. I have a local friend who got it up and running though, so maybe I’ll have him hold my hand through it.
I don’t understand a bit of this, but I got everything installed and running. Seems I have to ‘activate’ the venv and run the script from within it. Not sure how this works with the script auto running itself periodically, but I guess I will find out! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
OK thanks. I will look into that. The fact that they are installed in a “sandbox”… will that prevent them from being accessible to the decluttarr script?
I don’t know a bit about programming. Yunohost is a great place to start for self hosting a variety of services. For Jellyfin/downloading, I use Swizzin Community Edition. I like both of these projects because neither uses Docker lol. I tried some Docker based setups but could never get my head around it. YMMV.
I just took a look at your participation in the hexbear thread you are referencing, and I’m confused about the issue. Seems like you got mostly thoughtful and positive replies. There was some .world bashing at the end including the bit you quoted. It seems strange to me that rather than ask questions about hexbear to the actual users there, you came over here to ask on an instance that has daily threads complaining about leftist instances.
Try it with opiates lol.