Just crushing up a Benjamin to inject this motherfucker right into my vein
Just crushing up a Benjamin to inject this motherfucker right into my vein
Ok, but that has nothing to do with the comment OP’s comment. I agree with what you said up until the last sentence. Racism? Lmfao. So the Biden admin are all racists too? It has nothing to do with race. No nation-state is going to let another nation-state spy on their own citizens. Race has nothing to do with it.
That’s easy. But the comment OP is probably a tanky anyway and will deny or rationalize all evidence.
Show us how it’s not Chinese spyware
Interesting, that’s pretty cool, never knew that about Cuba. Is that to ensure a workable labor force? Whereas, the US has a significantly larger (30x) population. Therefore, the labor force maybe isn’t as cared about or needed to such a degree?
It’s great, comrade