“The ultimate test of a society’s freedom is not how it treats its good, obedient, compliant citizens; it’s how it treats its dissidents.” - Glenn Greenwald
Interested in helping with a community I manage? Interact with posts and DM.
Mantra: “We should focus our actions, time, and resources on Direct Action, Mutual Aid, and Community Outreach… No War but Class War!”
FYI: Human, check reCAPTCHA log /s
“The ultimate test of a society’s freedom is not how it treats its good, obedient, compliant citizens; it’s how it treats its dissidents.” - Glenn Greenwald
Edit: improved sentence structure
Like all websites, there are fake ones and then there are official ones.
Many will be clones of what the original website looked like.
They are used to the short-term goals of stonks.
The more people there are, the more popular it is with the working class. Instead of being a niche community, you can meet non-tech people that know about Lemmy.
Lemmy is good as is; slow growth is better, IMO.
The duopoly choice is Bernie Sanders, even though he betrayed his movement and the people that helped fund and grow his grassroots campaign.
A non-duopoly choice is a 3rd Party candidate, Jill Stien, Green Party.
Too many to list!
Apes Together Strong[1]
As long as one person is active in the community, it still lives for another day.
“Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference has never tried to fall asleep with a mosquito in the room.” — The Dalai Lama
“We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It’s easy to say it’s not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem, then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes.” — Fred Rogers
“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.” ― Edward Everett Hale
Is there a way to check it by software? But it behaves as it used to, when the old ambilight was working.
It would be dead (no lights or anything) if you fried it; I have fried a good amount on my end when I was doing projects with them, hahaha.
I’ll be on hold until you get the chance to watch and read the video and article; it should be able to help you figure out if you are missing some of the basics.
I soldered everything according to some instructions on the webz.
Did you test your equipment before soldering it together? Then after soldering it does not work?
I also provide enough electricity for the strips via a 12v charger. When I power them on (no matter if the arduino is turned on or not), they just blink randomly. Only a few led on the 4 strips I connected (to make corners for my monitor).
Is it three wires you are connecting: 5V power, +data (PD5), then ground connection on the strip?
The data input from pin 5 on my arduino is completely ignored when it is turned on. So I think it’s a wiring problem. But I don’t see the issue.
By this you mean that no V is seen or it is acting like it is not connected, it is binary so it has the neccasary V or it does not (0V or 5V).
On the picture you see the input connections i soldered. The strips are just connected together by wires. Ground to ground, data to data, power to power.
…is there something broken? I only have replacement led strips, but I don’t know why the arduino or the power supply should be broken
You need to make sure you did not fry the arduino.
Quick search I found this short video with great information:
Here is the article if you want to read instead or watch and read:
Based move on their part, even if I do not agree on the ‘whoosh’, hahahah
edit: maybe->may be
Awesome find!
You may [be] the expert diagnostician we were looking for, the cactus horticulturist!
What species or type of cacti is it?
Did you change when you water, move locations, or anything that may have an impact on its health?
Not too sure either, but the more info the better.
Then more research to be done, so as to figure possible conditions ot causes!
We need House M.D., an expert diagnostician… but in this case a cactus doctor, cactus horticulturist.
Nice, hahahah
For those that do not know:
Seinfeld: George Was in The Pool! (Clip) [01:36 | JUL 02 14 | TBS | Seinfeld (S5 E21)] https://youtu.be/ldUZvxjKMGs
Edit: word, of->us
Happens to the best of us, all is good!
I make sure to check out other social media, for information and to check viral news and much more, so not too bad of a confession, hahaha
It seems there are a few!
List by popularity:
It is way better when it is a song we like!
You are correct!
Yes, I see a good amount; I also try to interact with them as well!
I have a few admirers; they make sure to share their opinion on some of my posts; making sure I am not lonely, how thoughtful!
It is always a great time when you recognize some peeps, and then there are some that are just ‘Passin’ Me By’[1]…
[1] The Pharcyde - Passin’ Me By
In his own words:
He criticizes the duopoly and the oligarchy, but I know those loyal to the duopoly tend to become tribal if people don’t outright support one side and hate the other.
Glenn has proven himself as a journalist with his reporting of Edward Snowden and much more.
He does not fall into simplistic political groups, so I understand the frustration some political factions have with people like him.
Which people do you recommend if Glenn Greenwald does not meet your standards?