My farts linger and travel forward in time…
My farts linger and travel forward in time…
I need to go shilt soon…
I must go shilt soon…
In general, I try to knock out the hardest tasks first, that way everything just (hopefully/usually) gets easier from there.
Very true, but still…
shat, shit, ???
I think we have a winner! Time to update the Oxford Dictionary…
My farts say otherwise.
Ah, but shit isn’t always a verb, it’s also a noun… 💩
Probably fix my desktop computer. It’s been down since 2017, with a failing PSU, bad capacitors, and a bad chipset fan.
I already have all new replacement parts I need to fix it, for the third time no less, but I just haven’t felt like outright doing it yet.
Honestly, I’ll probably be more motivated to fix it if I get some sockets to install where the capacitors are, so I don’t have to keep torturing the board with the soldering iron in the future.
I dunno, my 2 laptops have been good enough for me over the years since, maybe I’ll fix the desktop one of these days years…
Sorry to be the bearer of good news, but you’re wrong…
I probably didn’t title my post properly. My bad, seems most people got my point.
Okay, unless you want to taunt someone into trying to hijack your Google account or track your info, you should edit your comment link to remove the ? and everything after that.
You do realize the ?si shit is your private YT token right?
That’s gonna phuck with my sychology!
shat, shit, shilt
Guess you missed the L…
Doesn’t matter anyways, I’m just talking crap LOL!