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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • My answer wasn’t so much directed at OP but @gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world that had text threatening to quit. If OPs company wants them gone, threatening to quit plays right into their hands. Further, if you ever threaten and not follow through, you’ve lost any leverage in negotiating further changes.

    with language like “it was not enumerated” and vague threats of reporting them to the authorities

    To reiterate, I wasn’t suggesting using that exact language I put in quotes but was attempting to show OP what was effectively being asked of them by their employer, and how it wasn’t fair to what they agreed, and that there was legal recourse they had if it evolved to that. If you read the rest of my post it was laying out that taking extreme action like threatening to quit, failing to get the certs, or some such would likely result in them losing their job anyway and a better approach is to work with their employer to get some time on the clock for cert study, but also recognize that an absolutist approach can result in the worst situation for OP and likely require they get the certs anyway on their own time because the certs would be required by a new employer.

    Nothing with OPs situation will be resolved in a single conversation with any one party at their employer. It will be a series of conversations with each laying out their requirements and hopefully arriving at a compromise where OP still works there, and OP’s employer is satisfied with the effort toward certs.

  • which roughly translates to good deeds done in secret.

    It seems like posting what I do would violate the intent of “intoku” and it would thereby no longer be a “when nobody is watching”.

    I’m won’t disclose what I do. However, I’ll say that by not taking credit for any of my positive actions, it lets society take credit for the actions. It means someone doesn’t have to have me or someone like me in their lives, but rather all of us will help you. The person that did the small thing or the hero that saved you from ruin could be right next to you in line at the grocery store. I want everyone to have that feeling that some rando will have your back when you need it in some minor or major way.

    The only way that happens is if I never talk about what I do to help. Thats a very small price to pay if it means someone else gets to feel the comfort of knowing others care about them.

  • “Using my own time for work stuff is unacceptable to me. It was not enumerated in the job listing when I was hired that off-clock unpaid work was required to keep this job and I am prepared to quit this job and get a different one that doesn’t ask me to work off the clock if you press this matter if the company terminates me for refusing to work unpaid off the clock I’d be happy to raise that with the Department of Labor for a case of wage theft.”


    Now, understand in many jobs maintaining a level of knowledge is necessary, and skills age-out meaning they are no longer applicable to industry. If you don’t have these new certs, you may not be able to get hired somewhere else because they require the current industry knowledge. You’ll have to decide which battles you want to fight, and what you will do if the worst outcome affects you and you’re out of work. Would you be forced to study and pass those certs anyway just to be eligible in your industry? If so, you can work toward compromise with your current employer as a shorter and less painful path.

    To this end, you can challenge them on not letting you study on the clock during downtime. If these certs are as critical as they claim, then why are downtime hours not usable for cert study?

  • I’m not planning on dating until I have a better idea of what the future looks like,

    Truth be told, none of us know what our futures look like. If you have a current desire to explore your romantic feelings and relationships, do so. There will never be a time when you are perfect. That just isn’t human. What each of us are is a collection of ideas and experiences that creates a unique person. There is no one on the planet exactly like you, and that as a wonderful thing! Relationships in your early 20s are a bit of a trainwreck for most of us anyway. We are still figuring out who we are, and how we may want to be different. The cool part is that everyone else in your age group is facing a similar set of insecurities, anxieties, and eager desire to try their hand at life. You’re going to make mistakes. Thats okay. Your same aged romantic partners will also make mistakes as they’re figuring things out too. In 10 or 20 years you’ll look back on this time right now and think how cringe some of your actions were, or how obvious your mistake were before you made them. Again, thats life!

    One other motivation for you to get out there sooner rather than later; Remember how I said you’ll make mistakes and they will too? If you wait 10 years until “you have a better idea of what the future looks like” your peer group will have already had 10 years to make their relationship mistakes and learn from them. They’ll have grown as people and be less willing to put up with someone still in the “mistake making phase” of their lives. So, if you have the desire to explore relationships with a partner, now is a great time to start that. Get out there and do your best for yourself and your partner. Make sure you don’t lose yourself in trying to please your partner, but also be sensitive what they are communicating to you. Sounds complicated right? Everyone does it a little differently and there’s no book you can read or youtube video you can watch that can explain it. You have to live it and its a wild ride of highs and lows.

    Get out there! Have fun! Make mistakes and learn from them! Be special to someone. Be special for someone. Endeavor to be the best version of yourself as you go through life. You’ve got this. I believe in you.

  • I’m too far removed from my 20s be able to comment on your immediate future, but I can offer you hope for the slightly farther future.

    As we get older, with regard to our mental and physical health, we’re all broken in some way. Some of use are like you with conditions that have been with them from childhood. Others pick up their brokenness from daring behavior in their 20s. By your 30s your warranty has expired and when things break, they never fully heal. By your 40s most of us are already dealing with at least one chronic health condition, many of them life shortening/threatening. In your 50s you have a growing list of peers that you knew growing up that have already died.

    Human aging is brutal. It eventually takes your mobility, dietary choices, mental capacity, and your pain free life. You may have an advanced start on some of your peers in your early 20s, but they will join you soon. You are not now, nor will you every be alone. Everyone grows more like you every day of their lives. There aren’t fewer candidates for partners for you, there is an ever increasing number of them every single day.

  • The license declaration is supposed to be communicating to all readers, as it lets others know that my content is licensed for free use for open source purposes.

    Well I’ve read it once, and thats all I’ll ever need to. Message received! Now we both get what we want. I don’t need to read it ever again, and you can keep posting it, I’ll just never see it.

    Also, there may be legal issues with stripping a license declaration from content.

    I’m not stripping it. Its still there. I’m just not rendering it to make it visible on my screen.

  • I support you in wanting to post whatever text you want that isn’t hurting other people. I do not believe your footer text is hurting other people, so you should be able to post it.

    However, I find it very annoying to read through comments and continuously have to re-read your footer because I believe it is text you are intending for your audience to read on the topic on the thread. This is my problem though, not yours.

    So my solution is to block just your footer text from rendering in my browser. Using uBlock Origin I’ve added the following filter to my browser:


    This completely removes your footer from all of your posts across the entirety of Lemmy.world while leaving the rest of your posts intact.

    I believe you would support this action because you’ve communicated its for consumption by corporations and AI and not other readers of Lemmy. This may also be helpful to you, because you can refer other people like me that hate looking at your footer all the time. You get to keep your footer, and we don’t have to ever see it again. Have a great day!

  • so I think there was the expectation that I go, but I strongly feel that nobody should be obligated to go to an after-work event (especially since I already went to one).


    I work remote, but occasionally have to travel to New York City for in-office events.

    I totally get where you’re coming from, and most replies here are “you’re not obligated, so don’t go” or “just say no”. If you were living in the same city as your work, you could probably get away with this without any repercussions. Where you might get burned here is that work paid for your travel to New York for this. If you’re only going to participate in the “in office” portion of the meeting, they have a good argument to not fly you out and put you up in a hotel. They could just ask you to join a video conference. This may be your preference even, but if so, you should talk to your boss about it.

    Something like: “Hey boss, I see there’s the upcoming on-site meeting scheduled. I wanted to let you know that my out-of-work schedule doesn’t really accommodate the after work activities that go on because of timing. I know the budget is always tight, so I am just fine with joining the meeting on Teams. Heck, keep the same budget and buy everyone else there HUGE steak dinners with what you’re saving on my flight and hotel costs!”

    Keep in mind, while you’re not obligated to go to these, when the job cuts come, your self imposed exclusion to these events may make you a target.

    Alternatively, you can go to the after-work events, but politely duck out after an hour or so being there. That way you’ll still get “credit” for going, and everyone will remember that you were there.

  • Look at the world as it is today. Imagine what it would be like if it were better. Imagine what that world would look like. What would different about it than it is today? Would things cost the same? Would there even be money? How would your life be different in that better world?

    Now, I used the word “better”, but you filled in all the gaps about what “better” means. That definition of “better” is entirely your own. That same set of questions asked of 10 different people would result in 10 completely different answers. Congratulations! You’ve just come up with creative ideas!

    Now imagine if the world were worse. And now worse yet. And now worse than that. These are now 3 completely different sets of creative ideas that are completely unique to you.

  • , as in taking someone’s word (like if they spoke of a deed or misdeed they did) or as in listening to what someone thinks of as ethical.

    Using that definition, I think my answer would be two common phrases:

    • Talk is cheap
    • Actions speak louder than words

    It takes almost no effort to say words. Idealistically, your words should match your thoughts and deeds, but in reality we know this is not the case for most. I can’t take your word for something as absolute, your actions, however, carry much more weight. If you say you are massively concerned about climate change, but make zero behavioral differences in your consumption (and generation of carbon), your actions contradict you words.