Did you fall for it because it was hyped or because you couldn’t afford to buy?
Did you fall for it because it was hyped or because you couldn’t afford to buy?
I’m really glad I couldn’t afford a Tesla back when the Model 3 came out because I probably would’ve bought one.
Things I actually fell for… mostly video games, but it’s not the end of the world. Mostly it made me much more discerning with new purchases.
Doesn’t seem like you have to live with it…
Multi-factor authentication is a good thing. Trust me, you will regret not using it way more.
Might I suggest unplugging for a few days? You’re not wrong, but if it’s all you can think about, perhaps you need a break from news.
I think most self-hosted Git+CI/CD platforms have container registry as a feature, but I’m not aware of a service that is just a standalone registry.
I think the biggest cause of this on Lemmy is having duplicate communities on different servers. Inevitably one of them becomes the most active, and people kind of stop posting on the others.
Is there a way of merging the posts from one into another if the recipient gives permission? Most topics only really need one community.
Bold of you to assume this administration would allow them to vote.
Awesome. Once there’s an iOS app I’ll definitely try this out.
This looks neat! Can we host the server side, or does it have to sync with arcanechat.me?
It seems like that’s what they’re working on right now.
Except they did stop that shady practice, so your original boycott doesn’t make sense anymore.
This is a completely different issue of other companies trying to sell fraudulent Seagate drives used in crypto mining farms as new. They are responding by shutting down sales until they can root them out.
This is why actually reading the article is important instead of “brand I don’t like bad”.
Just leave poor people alone and public domain should start at the death of the author(s).
I generally agree, but it gets complicated with works that have many contributors, like a film. Does the costume designer own the rights to a movie more than a writer? A director? A stunt coordinator? Who among them gets to decide how that work can be used? A consensus among hundreds of people is very unlikely.
FOSS projects deal with this issue a lot when a project wants to change licensing for example, but they need every contributor’s approval, some of whom may be very difficult to reach.
Also, selling the rights to an IP can be a huge windfall for creators if it gets big enough and they’re okay with giving up control. This is especially common when the original creator wants to retire.
“Intellectual property” is a complicated concept, and I don’t know if a perfect system can exist. Though, it could easily be better for creators than it is now.
I know you’re complaining, but I think you just described a good chunk of the reasons why I like Lemmy and the fediverse in general.
No one here is important or official. There are no video game community managers or anything like that here. Lemmy is not used for interacting with anyone other than fellow idle nerds.
This is how Reddit was before it exploded in popularity and companies and celebrities started taking it seriously. I don’t know if Lemmy will ever get to that point, especially seeing how much abuse people will endure before they change platforms.
Other harmful side-effects aside, how much a game impacted you is significantly affected by the context of your life. Experiencing the same game at a different time in your life might not be as meaningful.
I just tried it out and it’s really nice!
I see you’ve got biceps to spare.
Right, obviously everyone knows what it’s for now, but it may be difficult to deduce in the future without context.