I haven’t had a phone in years.
It’s nice to meet all you. I am she/her, can speak Toki Pona and English (non-natively), and locatable on Reddit as MozartWasARed. The links at https://discord.gg/sEuSSDz6TQ and https://www.deviantart.com/triagonal/art/My-copyright-policy-and-the-impact-it-extends-into-906668443 are pertinent to me.
I haven’t had a phone in years.
Lately it’s been whenever the temperature drops.
Lately it’s been warmth.
What do you mean?
For a while, I thought the answer to this was writing a book I’ve been thinking about for a long time. Then, after seeming years of thinking about it, I went to write it down only to realize it’s unwritable because of certain transitions that were not considered. Starting a week ago, the answer has become another writing project, but I’m not thinking about it that much anyways.
A man.
One word I might use is “premature”. I definitely don’t know about other people, but rather than the anger implied in the question, if someone had a crime or misdeed attributed to them, if what happened mattered, my biggest inclination would be to try to fill in the gaps in my mind. Along the way, this of course potentially implies things like “why did they do it”, “how was it done”, and “did they really”. A lot of people, however, consider it conclusive based on what amounts to public perception, something I am no stranger to being on the receiving end of, and I don’t think I have to tell you how destructive that has turned out. It compels me to wonder how scary our state of existence is, especially when typically getting “to the bottom of something” is associated with neurodivergence.