You can ask instance mods.
You can ask instance mods.
Before the party switch the right wing was Democrats. Just as bad that they want “democracy” when they want a King. But I think it was they wanted majority rule over black people. “Teehee, see it’s majority rule to segregate. Teehee, see it’s majority rule to not fund black schools.”
I’m offended by that.
Jk. I agree. People here seem to want to misread in the weirdest ways just so they can sound off.
That’s a good one.
I’ve not extensively researched this but: Fish oil. And I think everyone should take a multivitamin. The magnesium oxide and zinc oxide in multis are hard to absorb, so take additional magnesium and zinc. Zinc comes in 50 mg, RDA is 11, so I cut it into 4.
Ergo keyboard.
Finally motion is lotion. Go through full ranges of motion. Cartilage has very little blood flow and requires the fluid around it to move to get nutrients and such. Little bits throughout the day are probably better than lots once a week. Don’t resume running because that’s high impact. Do sprints if you really want that kind of motion.
The trick is only you know how, so you get rich.
Fat does insulate.
Carbon has never been a winning election issue. If anyone cared they would know that Harris would have carried on Biden’s green energy. But it was the price of eggs and “it’s the economy stupid” that won the election. No one will touch it in the next election either because the Dems learned all that matters is the economy. Do the math, in 4 years it won’t be touched, then another 8 year cycle, means the soonest it may be run on is in 12 years. If Dems win they will focus on fixing everything from trump first, all you’ll get is some stuff around the edges. (Inb4 Lemmy’s famous misreading, I want it, but I know that no one will touch it because it loses them every election.)
Kinda like civilization?
Yes I’m aware it’s not an a with decoration jfc. I’m saying for computer entries that garble things, I wouldn’t care about matching it up so perfectly (with dropped whatever those things are called) as to not allow someone to board a plane.
That one I can actually see, having an extra letter that doesn’t match. Dropped punctuation or symbols (whatever the flair is called) though personally I wouldn’t care.
you will not be able to board if your ID doesn’t exactly reflect your details"
Do they care about an apostrophe though? I can see any punctuation being a problem for systems.
Who are you so wise in the ways of sex workers?
And escorts?
Don’t forget Truth Social. Straight out of ministry of truth.
There is a small, idiotic group that thinks that. Unfortunately that group is growing.