My worst one was expressing doubt about all information we get regarding the Israel/Palestine conflict because it is definitely being used as a wedge to divide Americans and make us easier to manipulate. Context: the IDF found Super Evil Battle Plans on dead Hamas soldiers, instructing them to kill civilians. Because they need to be reminded that that’s their mission I guess.
My second worst one was saying that we shouldn’t euthanize every pit bull. Context: a pit bull attacked someone, and everyone in the thread thought the right move was to euthanize the whole breed.
My third worst one was saying that the Fahrenheit temperature scale is more useful for average people than Celsius. Context: shitpost about fahrenheit being a bad temperature scale
Famously the hardest logic puzzle in the world: Blue Eyes
The answer
The answer is >!the 100 people with blue eyes leave on the 100th night.!< Double spoiler tagged so it hopefully works on every Lemmy client.
For the logic, imagine if it were actually just three people: the guru, one brown eyes, and one blue eyes. For the sake of clarity, I’ll speak through the perspective of a blue eyes in these examples. Guru says “I see someone with blue eyes.” Brown eyes also sees someone with blue eyes. But I see no one with blue eyes. I deduce that I must have blue eyes, and leave that same night.
Now >!imagine there are two blue eyes, two brown eyes, and the guru. Guru says “I see someone with blue eyes.” Brown eyes both see two sets of blue eyes, but I only see one set of blue eyes. I figure if the other person sees no other blue eyes, they’ll leave the first night. They don’t, which can only mean that they also saw someone with blue eyes, which must be me. We both leave the second night.!<
You >!can expand this logic all the way out to 100, so on the 100th night, all the blue eyes leave.!<