Maybe a system that regularly gives us “evil vs lesser evil but still evil” as our only options isn’t worth saving
Maybe a system that regularly gives us “evil vs lesser evil but still evil” as our only options isn’t worth saving
Love jerboa. It was rough at first but the bugs got worked out pretty quick. Now it’s perfect, all the features I need and nothing that I dont
Android devices can do that too. I use steam link on my shield.
Exactly. Imagine if we judged European beer based on nothing but Heineken.
Socialism is the workers owning the means of production.
For instance, Trump’s plan for the feds to buy TikTok
In Connecticut it’s required before you can get a hunting license
If you already have Microsoft authenticator just use that. They’re all basically the same
Kind of a mac’s version of desktop.ini. Remembers layouts and other metadata about a folder.
I demand that my books are written by hand, with a quill pen, by candlelight. I need to know that some effort went into the creative process.
Russia is technically a democracy. So no. That would not be enough.
Stole it from a user on a pirate bbs I was a member of in the early 90s, Digital Underground
They changed it to idclip in doom2
The cheat code was inspired by a Usenet meme, could be the game was also inspired by the meme
I actually hate how the trolley problem is misinterpreted. It’s not a question of “will you kill one person or kill 5?”. If you pull the lever, you are murdering somebody. If you do nothing, you killed no one, whoever put them on the tracks killed them. Whether it’s morally acceptable to murder one person in order to save 5 is an interesting thought experiment but that’s all it is.