“Exiting the Vampire Castle” is an essay written by the English theorist Mark Fisher for the online publication The North Star in 2013. It argues for increased leftist solidarity by departing from the phenomenon of online callout culture to instead orient activity around organization of efforts around the accountability of one’s economic class, rather than around traits in identity and culture.
Fisher argues that a largely online style of identity-based leftist discourse grounded in “witch-hunting moralism” halts productive leftist discourse and undermines class politics.[1] In particular, the combination of a primary focus on identity and the policing of others’ speech is deleterious.[2] Fisher saw the turn from class and materialism towards identity as a move from objective outward-facing goals to subjective inward goals that result in fragmentation of the left’s efforts and community.[3]
Fisher defends Russel Brand in the essay, but remember that this was written in 2013, and Fisher died in 2017.
Exiting the Vampire Castle, by Mark Fisher (2013): https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/opendemocracyuk/exiting-vampire-castle
From Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exiting_the_Vampire_Castle):
Fisher defends Russel Brand in the essay, but remember that this was written in 2013, and Fisher died in 2017.