(a <=> b) <=/=> [(b => TRUE) <=> a]
This is a critique of honor societies which do not serve a point in proving someone’s “honor”. The college requirement is essentially: Join this club to prove you have joined this club. Anyone can join an “honor” society without demonstrating anything related to honor, meaning:
([Joining an honor society] => TRUE) <=> [Being allowed to join college]
Being allowed to drive a car implies having a license and having a license implies being allowed to drive a car. Neither of these implies TRUE - in an ideal world at least.
By the way, TRUE is a tautology because it is always true, which is the definition of a tautology. Unnecessary repetition is not a requirement of a tautology.
The good guy in a war is the guy who is better than the bad guy. That’s usually it.
Keep in mind, at least in Germany the only people “remembering” the Dresden bombing are Nazis. They seek something that relativizes their crimes - and other nation’s war crimes against them that pale in comparison are the way to go. I presume Japanese fascists are similar in that regard.