Not that I’ve noticed. I can usually fiddle with the settings (some even let you program a day and night mode). But I also state at screens all day, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
Dusty old bones, full of green dust.
Not that I’ve noticed. I can usually fiddle with the settings (some even let you program a day and night mode). But I also state at screens all day, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
I don’t know if it’s a “loophole,” but I find my phone to be a pretty good eReader. I did the same with an old tablet (just has the eReader and the book(s)). I’ve never had a real eReader so I can’t really comment on the difference, but if you’re just trying to read, a good app costs a couple bucks, way cheaper.
I’m pretty sure my bickering about the election. I was very unpopular during that period. Now I’m just regular unpopular. 👍🏾
When I worked in data entry fresh our of college, there was a mass firing. Turns out people were signing in and leaving. Like, to go to the movies, to the store, to just hang out, for their entire shift, and would then log out at the end of the day. Damn near every person under 30 was gone. Some quit before they could get fired. It took all day, and there were plenty of performances. Now, it was data entry, which meant our activity was tracked, from the inactivity to how much we got through in a day. I have no idea how they didn’t think anyone would notice.
I went to the Ghibli museum and watched a short while I was there. The ticket to the short was a film strip from one of the movies. I have it framed.