My wife isn’t white. She gets slurs thrown at her all the time just out of the blue.
My wife isn’t white. She gets slurs thrown at her all the time just out of the blue.
I’m hooked on Corridor Crew. They review and explain good and bad cgi/vfx in shows and movies.
Vampire survivors? Damn
Twitch has life streams all over the place.
I dont have a dedicated box, I Kodi through my xbox. There are times I’d like to download a copy if the stream sucks.
I accidentally intermittent fast all the time, adhd brain along with weird lunch pattern at work. I think at this point, I should just say I do it to sound cool.
Long story short, owner is a Nazi, stop using the platform.
I’ve never had an issue with any usb cables I use inside. I have, however, had many problems with USB cables used in my vehicles. It’s got to be something with the extreme heat in the summer.
I sail the high seas quite often. I also pay for spotify because it’s stupid easy.
Uhg, I really enjoyed that series.
Wait, did Outer Range not get renewed for Season 3?
Almost any public facing org (food bank, animal shelter, homeless aid etc.) Will gladly take any volunteer. Check with your local library for local charaties too, they may even want help AT the library.
Not in my 30s, but didn’t really start until college really. Just draw. Over and over and every day. Something my first professors had us do was to draw the figure or still life in front of us in 5 minutes. Then 2 minutes, then 1, and we eventually got to 10 second drawings. The point was to not obsess over details when you start your draw. Start with that framework and build onto it. That single exercise helped me the most and got me way further ahead way faster than I anticipated.
SNL, if your listening…