Well the last version I was actively using was 3.6 and the shiniest new feature I remember is switch cases from 3.7, so yes it has for me
Well the last version I was actively using was 3.6 and the shiniest new feature I remember is switch cases from 3.7, so yes it has for me
Would you recommend it? I’ve seen the wrath of khan, it was alright but tos just can’t hold my attention like tng
It’s even happened to me with python. I stepped away from programming for a while and now all the guides are about 3.8 while the version on trixie is 3.13
Dynamic stacks are pretty common in the most popular scripting languages, but considered bad practice from folks who use systems languages
I’m ace, and have hidden it from partners. Needless to say it’s destroyed relationships.
I’m aware of all of this, and have not discounted it. I’ve been harmed by the expectation of neurotypical behavior, regardless of whether I mask. I’ve been harmed by het expectations, regardless of masking. I pick and choose who I’m open with about these things within my personal life, but I don’t hide it. You’re making an assumption as well, that masking will prevent harm. There’s a reason why I specifically said that it will lead to anguish, and that’s because it’s not a shelter. It creates a mental prison that will lead to a feeling of isolation.
no one is obligated to follow my advice. OP wanted advice, and my advice from lived experience of over 20 years of masking is that it isn’t worth it.
As someone who has masked both neurodivergence and sexuality, it’s not worth it. It will be challenging to navigate our biased and unaccommodating world, but the challenges pale in comparison to true happiness. Happiness is always fleeting, so seeking a negative peace pretending to be something you’re not is a fool’s errand. Hiding yourself will only ever lead to pain and mental anguish.
I prefer the sample platter and have a taste for the week
Well after all these years I’ve gotten used to it, but my vision is very blurry in that eye. There’s also injury to the macula so there’s a giant gray spot in my near vision. It’s kinda like a giant peripheral vision, but I’m also more sensitive to big changes in brightness
I’d say it’s more than just a hole. I had an eye injury when I was a teenager that caused a detached iris. I didn’t have a massive pupil, I had 2 small, irregularly shaped pupils. After surgery, I now have a permanently dilated pupil shaped like a teardrop
One of you did it. If I see it again you’ll both be grounded
Since you live in Texas, you might be interested in your own version of Blair Mountain, the Grabow Massacre during the Texas Lumber Wars
History, with an emphasis on grassroots struggles. If labor history were a real course in schools, I’d probably actually go back to college for an associate’s to actually teach it
Lol i didn’t notice that at first. I’m heavily involved with community/union organizing, so I find myself using it for both at the same time
Por que no los dos?
Socialism is the people. If you are afraid of socialism, you’re afraid of yourself.
Yea for sure! We were organizing around performance metrics, quotas, discipline, etc for quite a while. My work is in QA, where quotas are actually really bad for software development. We had been trying to get management to research and implement modern QA practices that would reduce/eliminate quotas, without much success. We also wanted progressive discipline with real guidance, because if you don’t meet metrics then the performance improvement plan (pip) was really just a do-or-die meet the metrics for 10 days or get fired.
In the previous meeting, it wasn’t a take over but coworkers and I relentlessly asked about pips, metrics, etc. We were very clearly getting under their skin, to the point where he asked me how I felt pips should work. He was probably thinking I never planned that far ahead and would discredit myself, but I had done significant research on modern QA management techniques and gave an overview of my minimum for a 3 step pip. Right before he ended the meeting, he essentially “confirmed” that we do it exactly like that, no sword of Damocles or anything.
Of course having done the legwork to actually talk to employees that had gone through the process, we knew that it was total horseshit. Just to be sure, we talked to a few more people to confirm that pips were still being used to cut people for cause instead of improving their metrics before planning the takeover. To open the meeting, I asked this to the COO:
I’d like to preface my question by saying thank you for hosting these sessions again, and preemptively note that a lot of us are here to discuss PIPs. In the last Q&A session I attended, I was told by you that PIPs follow a progressive discipline model. However, we’re aware that most if not all employees that fail a PIP are terminated immediately, and multiple employees have been fired shortly after passing a PIP for failing to meet productivity expectations. Why did you lie to me?
His face went beet red and you could see the anger build in his eyes. After about a minute, he responds with “I don’t appreciate being called a liar. You’re hostility isn’t welcome and I reject the question”. After that, you could cut the tension with a knife. I reiterated my question that pips don’t work the way he said they do, but he continued to refuse it until I moved on to the many other “hostile” questions I had.
For the aftermath, he lied to us again in that meeting when someone uninvolved with the take over asked about remote work, and said there’s no plans to change anything for the foreseeable future, before RTO was announced a week later. There was another meeting about RTO with him that I attended, and he made a vague threat about “respectability” and ending the meeting if he felt disrespected after looking at the attendees. I wanted to ask a legit question over mic, and he ignored me until it was becoming obvious to others in the meeting. He stopped doing all q&a stuff after this for some reason.
I’m a union organizer, so I got to see some truly golden moments. My favorite was during a campaign, we took over a Q&A session with a member of the C-suite present. In a previous meeting he tried to convince me of some bs, so I asked him directly “why did you lie to me?” during this take over. The look on his face was priceless, and it took him over a minute to respond pathetically with “I don’t appreciate being called a liar”
I believe it! One glimpse at the latest docs tells me that every major builtin library I knew is depreciated or gone. I’m not even sure if
is still the correct encryption library. Honestly I might have to start fresh with Python like it’s a new language