Thankfully, they’re not
Pea is stored in the nuts
But that adds to OPs point, I think. We call the things inside the peanut shells, peanuts. A better name might actually be nut peas, since they’re peas stored inside the nuts (shells).
You’re a legume, Charlie Brown.
Brown Charlie?
If Peanuts are nutpeas, tell me wtf cashews are: (don’t say “apples” just because that’s literally the file name …).
They are a “drupe seed”
They’re not apples. Clearly they’re bananas. For ants.
Sheep made of cold, hard cash
Fine, I’m calling it an apple not because of the homemade, but only because you said not to then.
It’s strange how many people are eager to discover the “true name” of things. IDK if that’s the influence of Rumpelstiltskin, D&D, or just vestigial old-European superstition.
How else are you going to send it to hell where it belongs
asking the important questions, we need clarity