As one of these “men’s” I can confirm
As one of these “men’s” I can confirm
As a cus straight guy myself I’m not sure fully understand the question but here goes my best interpretation,
I do not recommend this but the only thing I could think of is not displaying any affection to your parter, but if someone said I couldn’t hold my girlfriend’s Hand in public id be pretty pissed. So just be yourself OP
In my experience I’ve never noticed and even if i did I don’t care, they’re just doing their thing. The only time I’ve noticed some ‘act gay’ is that Hollywood over the top stereotype flamboyant kind, and whenever I see those people I wish I had that energy, just living you absolute best life
Kinda got a little off track there but my point is unless your in physical danger (I hope your not) just be yourself and what you think is right
Like everything in life, it’s about moderation