Following a recipe is a good start, and at least allows you to feed yourself beyond microwaved bullshit or going out to a restaurant. Knowing the science behind it, however, can open up new avenues to making dishes you love even if you can’t get all of the usual ingredients because you will know what you can use instead without compromising the taste or texture.
It’s probably cliche but if you’re into youtube tutorials Basics with Babish is a great place to start. He teaches simple dishes that taste great and teach different skills. Another way to learn is to do one of the all in one delivery meal like hello fresh. It’s expensive but still affordable and it’s really good practice. If you dont want to spend on it you can also just get the recipes online. Also, if you find a dish a you really like you can make it whenever.
Isnt Hello Fresh just following the recipe without doing grocery shopping?
What does it do better than me finding recipes online?